Princíp odpudzovania vtákov a voľne žijúcich zvierat
Princíp odpudzovania vtákov pomocou laserového lúča je inšpirovaný prírodou. Vtáky vnímajú približujúci sa laserový lúč ako fyzický objekt. Vyzýva sa na inštinkt prežitia a spôsobuje, že vtáky odletú. Je to bezpečné, tiché a vtáky si zvykli na laserový lúč.
Vyvinuli sme roky výskumu na vývoj konečného laserového lúča. To bolo dosiahnuté použitím kombinácie vysoko presných optických, filtračných a svetelných frekvencií. Výsledkom je výnimočný výkon v odpudzovaní vtákov.

S našimi produktmi odpudzujúcimi vtáky ovplyvňujeme prirodzené správanie vtákov a zvery. Princípy prírody tvoria základ našej technológie. Zavedením jedného alebo viacerých umelých nepriateľov je možné získať územie. Priblíženie laserového lúča spúšťa inštinkt prežitia vtákov, zvery spôsobuje ich útek.
Ak sa operácie uskutočňujú dlhšie v nepredvídateľných vzorkách, vtáky a zver považujú túto oblasť za nebezpečnú a vyhnú sa jej. Neustále investujeme do rozširovania našich porozumení a vedomostí o vtákoch; je nevyhnutné viesť inováciu v našom podnikaní.

Zviera a životné prostredie
Naše produkty sú navrhnuté a testované tak, aby odpudzovali vtáky a zver bez toho, aby spôsobili škodu zvieratám alebo životnému prostrediu. Nie je to len eticky najlepší spôsob práce, ale vyhnúť sa obťažovaniu širokej verejnosti a mať pozitívnu povesť o dobrých životných podmienkach zvierat, sú nevyhnutné pre zachovanie licencie na prevádzku. Sme hrdí na to, že každoročne šetríme tisíce vtákov a prispievame k lepšiemu životnému prostrediu.
Užívateľsky prívetivý a bezpečný

My v spoločnosti - Bird Control Europe si dobre uvedomujeme, že základom nášho komerčného úspechu je naša povesť dodržiavania najvyšších bezpečnostných štandardov. Patentované bezpečnostné systémy odstraňujú potenciálne riziká. Náš prístup orientovaný na používateľa v procese vývoja prináša produkty, ktoré sú intuitívne pre prevádzku. Chceme vytvoriť čo najlepšie používateľské prostredie.

Našou prvou prioritou je poskytnúť riešenia na kontrolu vtáctva s dlhodobým účinkom. Navrhovaním trvanlivých vtáčích repelentov, ktoré sú vyrobené tak, aby vydržali, minimalizujeme negatívny dopad na prírodný svet.
Naše výrobky prispievajú k vytvoreniu optimálnej rovnováhy medzi obchodnými záujmami a dobrými životnými podmienkami vtákov: pozitívny vplyv na svet.

Bird deterrent systems and wildlife
Bird deterrent systems and wildlife
Principle of repelling birds and wildlife
The principle of repelling birds with a laser beam is inspired by nature. Birds perceive the approaching laser beam as a physical object. It appeals to the survival instinct, causing the birds to fly away. It’s safe, silent and birds do not get used to the laser beam.
We dedicated years of research to develop the ultimate laser beam. This was accomplished by applying a combination of highly precise optics, filtering and light frequencies. The result is exceptional performance in bird repelling.

With our bird repellent products, we affect the natural behavior of birds. The principles of nature form the basis of our technology. By introducing one or multiple artificial enemies, it is possible to reclaim a territory. An approaching laser beam triggers the survival instinct of birds, causing them to flee. When operations take place for a longer period in unpredictable patterns, the birds will consider the area as unsafe and avoid it. We continuously invest in expanding our understanding and knowledge about birds; it is essential to lead the innovation in our business.
Animal & environmental friendly
Our products are designed and tested to repel birds without causing harm to animals or to the environment. It is not only ethically the best way to work, but avoiding nuisance to the general public and having a positive reputation on animal welfare, are essential to keep a license to operate. We take great pride in annually saving thousands of birds and contributing to a better environment. One of our products has been recognized by the World Wildlife Fund.
User friendly & safe
We at Bird Control Europe are well aware that the foundation for our commercial success is our reputation for adhering to the highest safety standards. Making a safe bird repellent starts at the design table. Patented safety systems eliminate potential risks. Our user-centered approach in the development process results in products that are intuitive to operate. We want to create the best possible user experience.
Our first priority is to provide bird control solutions with a long term effect. By designing durable bird repellent products which are made to last, we minimize the negative impact on the natural world. Our products contribute to establishing the optimal balance between commercial interests and the welfare of birds: a positive impact to the world.

Sound List bird
No. Bird Name - English Duration-Secs Bird Name - Latin Call Type
4100. Pink-Footed Goose 8.79 Anser brachyhynchus Alarm
4101. Pink-Footed Goose 31.2 Anser brachyhynchus Flight Alarm
4102. Greylag Geese 22.4 Anser anser Flight Alarm
4103. Woodpigeon 3.67 Columba palumbus Wingbeats
4104. Woodpigeon 3.36 Columba palumbus Wingbeats
4105. Jackdaw 6.57 Corvus monedula Flock Alarm
4106. Rook 7.22 Corvus frugilegus Alarm
4107. Blackbird 4.72 Turdus merula Distress
4108. Kestrel 1.49 Falco tinnunculus Cries
4109. Buzzard 12.74 Buteo buteo Cries
4110. Eagle Owl 13.2 Bubo bubo Cries
4111. Goshawk 2.63 Accipiter gentilis Cries
4112. Common Gull 5.06 Larus canus Alarm Flock
4113. Black-Headed Gull 5.24 Larus ridibundus Alarm
4114. Black-Headed Gull 3.8 Larus ridibundus Colony Alarm
4115. Cormorant 7.9 Phalacrocorax carbo Alarm
4116. Herring Gull 8.7 Larus argentatus Alarm
4117. Lapwing 5.43 Vanellus vanellus Alarm
4118. Black-Headed Gull 7.3 Larus ridibundus Alarm
4119. Shag 8.7 Phalacrocorax aritstotelis Alarm
4120. Barn Owl 16.4 Tyto alba Cries
4121. Tawny Owl 7.63 Strix aluco Cries
4122. Tawny Owl 4.59 Strix aluco Hoots
4123. Long-Eared Owl 10.7 Asio otus Hoots
4124. Short-Eared Owl 7.9 Asio flammeus Hoots
4125. Hobby 9.9 Falco subbuteo Cries
4126. Sparrowhawk 7.2 Accipiter nisus Cries
4127. Red Kite 8.2 Milvus milvus Cries
4128. Black Kite 10.1 Milvus migrans Cries
4129. Grey Heron 7.8 Ardea cinerea Alarm
4130. Brent Goose 13.5 Branta bernicla Flight Alarm
4131. Barnacle Goose 13.8 Branta leucopsis Flight Alarm
4132. Chaffinch 15.0 Fringilla coelebs Alarm
4133. Blackbird 25.0 Turdus merula Alarm
4134. Hooded Crow 8.2 Corvus corone cornix Alarm
4135. Carrion Crow 9.7 Corvus corone corone Alarm
4136. Jay 7.5 Garrulus glandaruis Alarm
4137. Common Gull 6.1 Larus canus Alarm
4138. Black-Headed Gull 4.5 Larus ridibundus Alarm
4139. Herring Gull 7.1 Larus argentatus Alarm
4140. Jackdaw 6.66 Corvus monedula Distress
4141. White Tailed Eagle 6.53 Haliaeetus albicilla Cries
4142. Artic Skua 5.12 Stercorarius parasiticus Alarm
4143. European Wigeon 3.51 Anas penelope Alarm
4144. European Wigeon 5.34 Anas penelope Flock Alarm
4145. Lesser Black-Backed Gull 7.24 Larus fuscus Distress
4146. Lesser Black-Backed Gull 3.36 Larus fuscus Alarm
4147. Lapwing 9.53 Vanellus vanellus Distress/Alarm
4148. Hooded Crow 5.00 Corvus corone cornix Distress
4149. Song Thrush 3.20 Turdus philomelos Alarm
4150. Blackbird 1.00 Turdus merula Fright Alarm
4151. Blackbird 9.76 Turdus merula Alarm
4152. Blackbird 7.00 Turdus merula Disturb. Alarm
4153. Yellow Legged Gull 10.54 Larus cachinnans Alarm
4154. Booted Eagle 12.56 Hieraaetus pennatus Cries
4155. Marsh Harrier 8.80 Circus aeruginosis Cries
4156. Hen Harrier 5.20 Circus cyaneus Cries
4157 White Wagtail 5.73 Montacilla alba alba Alarm
4158. Black-Billed Magpie 1.66 Pica pica Alarm
4159. Azure-Winged Magpie 8.08 Cyanopica cyana Alarm

Eurasian Birds
No. Bird Name - English Duration-Secs Bird Name - Latin Call Type
4400. Black Kite 8.01 Milvus migrans Distress
4401. Red-Wattled Lapwing 3.40 Vanellus indicus Distress
4402. Red-Wattled Lapwing 5.00 Vanellus indicus Alarm
4403. Yellow-Wattled Lapwing 5.30 Vanellus malabaricus Alarm
4405. Grey Francolin 5.10 Francolinus pondicerianus Alarm
4406. Red-Vented Bulbul 3.50 Pycnontus cafer Alarm
4407. Rose-Ringed Parakeet 3.90 Psittacula krameri Alarm
4408. Jungle Babbler 5.00 Turdoides striata Alarm
4409. Large Grey Babbler 2.70 Turdoides malcolmi Alarm
4410. Common Babbler 3.30 Turdoides caudate Alarm
4411. White-Breasted Waterhen 4.30 Amaurormis phoenicurus Alarm
4412. Lanner Falcon 6.11 Falco biarmicus Call
4413. Bohemian Waxwing 15.75 Bombycilla garrulous Alarm
4414. Black Kite 13.94 Milvus migrans Alarm
4415. Common Myna 6.66 Acridotheres tristis Alarm
4416. Short-Toed Eagle 6.69 Circaetus gallicus Cries
4417. Lesser Spotted Eagle 4.80 Aquila pomarina Cries
4418. Red-wattled Lapwing 4.99 Vanellus indicus Distress
4419. Red-wattled Lapwing 11.72 Vanellus indicus Alarm
4420. Yellow-wattled Lapwing 9.79 Vanellus malabaricus Alarm
4421. Grey-headed Lapwing 9.41 Vanellus cinereus Alarm
4422. River Lapwing 7.70 Vanellus duvaucelii Alarm
4423. Little Egret 2.40 Egretta garzetta Alarm
4424. Little Egret 6.16 Egretta garzetta Flight Call
4425. Large Egret 3.78 Ardea alba Alarm
4426. House Crow 7.00 Corvus splendens Alarm
4427. Steppe Eagle 9.50 Aquila nipalensis Alarm
4428. Northern Hobby 16.20 Falco subbuteo Cries
4429. Mew Gull 12.06 Larus canus Alarm
4430. Caspian Gull 12.00 Larus cachinnans Colony Alarm
4431. Caspian Gull 12.24 Larus cachinnans Alarm
4432. Armenian Gull 15.55 Larus armenicus Colony Alarm
4433. Eurasian Oystercatcher 18.26 Haematopus ostralegus Alarm

4434. European Goldfinch 8.42 Carduelis carduelis Alarm
4435. Hooded Crow 26.66 Corvus cornix Alarm
4436. Hooded Crow 18.03 Corvus cornix Flock Alarm
4437. Hooded Crow 20.77 Corvus cornix Flushed Alarm
4438. Hooded Crow 5.13 Corvus cornix Help Call
4439. Yellow-legged Gull 7.30 Larus michahellis Alarm
4440. Black-Headed Gull 18.36 Chroicocephalus ridibundus Alarm
4441. Black-Headed Gull 6.00 Chroicocephalus ridibundus Flock Alarm
4442. Black-Headed Gull 23.10 Chroicocephalus ridibundus Colony Alarm
4443 Bonelli's Eagle 13.80 Aquila fasciata Cries
4444. European Bee-eater 7.30 Merops apiaster Alarm
4445. European Bee-eater 18.53 Merops apiaster Alarm (2)
4446. Mistle Thrush 15.06 Turdus viscivorus Alarm
4447. Song Thrush 31.51 Turdus philomelos Alarm
4448. Redwing 20.20 Turdus iliacus Alarm
4449. Redwing 22.02 Turdus iliacus Predator Alarm
4450. Calandra Lark 6.50 Melanocorypha calandra Alarm
4451. Common Quail 6.30 Coturnix coturnix Alarm
4452. Common Quail 5.00 Coturnix coturnix Flushed
4453. Common Crane 48.80 Grus grus Alarm
4454. Mistle Thrush 31.00 Turdus viscivorus Alarm (2)
4455. White Stork 32.16 Ciconia ciconia Alarm
4456. Black Stork 23.09 Ciconia nigra Distress
4457. Lesser Spotted Eagle 11.93 Clanga pomarina Alarm
4458. Common Buzzard 33.68 Buteo buteo Alarm
4459. Common Buzzard 22.84 Buteo buteo Pair Alarm
4460. European Honey Buzzard 47.88 Pernis apivorus Alarm
4461. Northern Lapwing 12.40 Vanellus vanellus Alarm (1)
4462. Northern Lapwing 21.23 Vanellus vanellus Alarm (2)
4463. Northern Lapwing 17.12 Vanellus vanellus Pair Alarm


rodent repellent -

Odpudzovače zvierat, hmyzu, vtákov
Plašič kún a hlodavcov,
Vibračné odpudzovač plašič krtkov
Účinná zbraň pre odpudzovanie hadov
Široký výber renomovaných odpudzovačov
Deramax odpudzovače hlodavov
Výroba plašičov od od



rodent scare

Zariadenia na plašenie

Ultrazvukovým signálom odpudia hlodavce z objektu a preventívne ho chránia.
Na premnožené potkany a myši už otrava nezaberá: Čo pomôže ?

Odpudzovače myší, kún, potkanov, mačiek, psov, vtákov, krtov, hrabošov
Zbavte sa moskytov, múch, ôs, sršňov a iného obtiažneho lietajúceho hmyzu pomocou našich vysoko kvalitných elektronických zariadení.
Tovar skladom. Vyrobené v EU.

A bird scarer is any of a number devices designed to scare birds, usually employed by farmers to dissuade birds from eating recently planted arable crops. They are also used on airfields to prevent birds accumulating near runways and causing a potential hazard to aircraft.


Odpudzovač hadov:

We are your protection against interception, watching or scaring animals: - all that you can not buy elsewhere - intelligence - capture signals PROFI - conspiracies, discovery, marketing material. - Everything goes and flies - scare - the field of RF jamming - EMC and RFI Shielding - listening microphones and audio recorders - laser audio surveillance - automated fire extinguishing